diff --git a/en/commands.properties b/en/commands.properties index d072880..38cd1dd 100644 --- a/en/commands.properties +++ b/en/commands.properties @@ -300,6 +300,7 @@ leave_successMembers={white}{kingdomplayer.name} {red}has left your kingdom! inventory_description=Open kingdom inventory inventory_extdescription=With this command you can open the inventory of your kingdom. You can use this inventory on all servers, but only 1 person may have the inventory open at a time. Players in mod mode can view the inventory of each kingdom and force an inventory close. In the config.yml you can indicate which items should not be placed in the inventory. openinv_forceclose={green}We are going to close the inventory. +inv_cannotopen={red}The inventory has already been opened by {white}{kingdomplayer.displayname} {red}on server {white}{server} # invite invite_description=Invite player to your kingdom @@ -312,26 +313,66 @@ invite_sender={green}You've invited {white}{kingdomplayer.name} {green} to {whit retract_description=Retract invitation retract_extdescription=This command allows you to revoke an invitation from a player. You can only withdraw the invitation from your own kingdom. Players in mod mode can revoke an invitation from any kingdom to a player retract_hasnone={red}Player has no invitation +retract_removed={green}Invitation has been removed # serverspawn +serverspawn_description=Go to a server's spawn +serverspawn_extdescription=Each server has its own spawn. With this command you can go to a spawn of a server. This spawn can be set by a mod or administrator +serverspawn_notfound={red}Sorry,{white}{name} {red}was not found # setserverspawn +setserverspawn_description=Set server spawn +setserverspawn_extdescription=With this command you can set the spawn for a server so that players can easily switch servers. +setserverspawn_added={green}Server spawn for {white}{name} {green}has been removed +setserverspawn_deleted={green}Server spawn for {white}{name} {green}has been created # info +info_description=Province/kingdom/player information. +info_extdescription=With this command you can request information about players, kingdoms and provinces +info_notfound={red}No player kingdom or province under name {white}{name} {red}found. # msg +msg_description=Send DM to a player +msg_extdescription=With this command you can send a message to another player. +msg_noreply={red}you have not received any messages yet. +reply_description=Reply to a DM # broadcast +broadcast_description=Send a notification on all servers. +broadcast_extdescription=With this command you can send a message that will be displayed on all servers. You can adjust the format in the language file if necessary. +broadcast_format={red}{bold}[Message] ->>> {white}{message} # setchannel +setchannel_description=Channel management (Mod) +setchannel_extdescription=With this command you can disable a chat channel for all servers or (temporarily) block a channel for a player. You can also pin a player to a channel. +setchannel_enable={green}Channel {white}{channel.displayname} {green} is now on. +setchannel_disable={green}Channel {white}{channel.displayname} {green} is now off +setchannel_channelnotexist=This command allows an administrator and/or mod to disable and enable a chat channel. This setting is valid for all players on all servers. +setchannel_sendlockedonChannel={red}You are only allowed to chat on {channel.name} +setchannel_sendunlockedonChannel={green}You can use all chat channels again. +setchannel_lockedonchannel={white}{kingdomplayer.name} {green}has been pinned to chat channel {white}{channel.name} +setchannel_unlockedonchannel={white}{kingdomplayer.name} {green}can chat on all channels again +setchannel_lockedonchannelstatus={white}{kingdomplayer.name} {green}has as locked channel: {white}{kingdomplayer.lockedchannel|none} +setchannel_sendsetblockedchannel={red}Unfortunately, Channel {white}{channel.name}{red} is blocked until {white}{p,EEEE dd MMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ,Europe/Paris#time} +setchannel_setblockedchannel={green}You have blocked {white}{kingdomplayer.name} {green}channel {white}{channel.name} {green}until {white}{p,EEEE dd MMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ,Europe/Paris #time} +setchannel_blockedchannelstatus={green}{channel.name} {gold}-> {white}{white}{p,EEEE dd MMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ,Europe/Paris#time} +setchannel_unblockedchannel={green}You have unblocked channel {white}{channel.name}{green} for {white}{kingdomplayer.name}{green}. +setchannel_sendunblockedchannel={green}Chat channel {white}{channel.name}{green} has been unblocked. +setchannel_channelisblocked={red}Channel {white}{channel.name} {red}is {bold}blocked{reset}{red} to {white}{p,EEEE dd MMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ,Europe/Paris#time} # visitspawn +visitspawn_description=Go to the spawn of another kingdom visitspawn_extdescription=With this command you can go to the spawn of another kingdom. Your own kingdom must receive permission from the other kingdom. +visitspawn_noaccess={red}Your kingdom is not allowed to go to this spawn. # setvisitor +visitspawn_description=Go to the spawn of another kingdom visitspawn_extdescription # setvisitor +setvisitor_description=Give a kingdom access to your spawn. +setvisitor_extdescription=With this command you can give/revoke access to the members of another kingdom with the command visitspawn to go to your spawn. +setvisitor_isdenied={green}kingdom {red}{kingdom.displayname} {green}does not have {red}access to your spawn # tp @@ -361,6 +402,23 @@ visitspawn_extdescription # province +province_setprefixedname={green}You have set the prefix for {white}{province.name} {green} to {white}{province.prefixedname} +province_setmaxmembers={green}You have set the maximum number of members for {white}{province.name} {green} to {white}{province.maxmembers} +province_deleted={green}You have deleted province {white}{province.displayName} +province_create_confirm={green}{bold}Click here to confirm creation +province_create_query={green}Create province +province_kickweight={red}You may not expel someone with a higher rank from your province. +province_levelISnow={green}Your province has been promoted to {white}{province.level.name} +province_isfull={white}Province {province.displayname} {red}is full +province_isnowmember={green}You have become a member of {province.displayname} +province_setmember={green}You have been made a member of {white}{province.displayname} +province_set={green}You have put {white}{kingdomplayer.displayname} {green}in {white}{province.displayname} {green} +province_isamember={red}That's not possible, you are already a member of province {white}{kingdomplayer.province.displayname} +province_isnotmember={red}You are not a member of a province. +province_notAmember={white}{kingdomplayer.displayname} {red}is not a member of any province. +province_removedasmember={red}You have been removed from {white}{province.displayname}. +province_removedmember={red}{kingdomplayer.displayname} has been removed from {white}{province.displayname}. +province_notyourkingdom={white}{province.displayname} {red}belongs to kingdom {white}{kingdom.displayname} {red}and you are in kingdom {white}{kingdomplayer.kingdom.displayname}