diff --git a/en/commands.properties b/en/commands.properties index 0f904ec..d072880 100644 --- a/en/commands.properties +++ b/en/commands.properties @@ -270,20 +270,48 @@ listinvites_list={green}Invitations: {white}{list}. # spawn spawn_description=Go to the spawn spawn_extdescription=This command takes you to the spawn of your kingdom. Players in mod mode can go to spawn from all kingdoms. +spawn_notExists={red}The spawn of {white}{kingdom.displayname} {red}is not set! # setspawn +setspawn_description=Set kingdom spawn. +setspawn_extdescription=Here you can set the spawn of a kingdom with this command. A player in mod mode can set the spawn of each kingdom. +setspawn_unset={red}You have deleted the spawn of {white}{kingdom.displayname} {red}! +setspawn_set={green}You have changed the spawn of {white}{kingdom.displayname} {green} to {white}{location} # listservers +listservers_description=List all available kingdom servers +listservers_extdescription=This command lists all available servers and the number of players on each server. # spy +spy_description=Spy on a chat +spy_extdescription=With this command you can read along with the chat of a kingdom. +spy_set={green}You are now reading along with kingdom {white}{kingdom.displayname} +spy_unset={green}You are{white}{bold}no{reset} longer reading with kingdom {white}{kingdom.displayname}. +spy_enableAll={green}Spy is {white}{bold}on{reset} {green}for all kingdoms. +spy_disableAll={green}Spy is {white}{bold}off{reset} {green}for all kingdoms. # leave +leave_description=Leave a kingdom. +leave_extdescription=Use this command if you want to leave a kingdom. Please note: After leaving a kingdom, a cooldown may be active, preventing you from immediately joining another kingdom. +leave_success={green}You have successfully left {white}{kingdom.displayname} {green}! +leave_successMembers={white}{kingdomplayer.name} {red}has left your kingdom! # inventory +inventory_description=Open kingdom inventory +inventory_extdescription=With this command you can open the inventory of your kingdom. You can use this inventory on all servers, but only 1 person may have the inventory open at a time. Players in mod mode can view the inventory of each kingdom and force an inventory close. In the config.yml you can indicate which items should not be placed in the inventory. +openinv_forceclose={green}We are going to close the inventory. # invite +invite_description=Invite player to your kingdom +invite_extdescription=With this command you can invite a player to your own kingdom to become a member. = The player you are going to invite may not be in another kingdom. A player in mod-mod can send an invitation to another player for each kingdom. +invite_hasinvite={red}Player {white}{kingdomplayer.name} {red}has already been invited. +invite_target={green}You are invited for kingdom {white}{kingdom.displayname} +invite_sender={green}You've invited {white}{kingdomplayer.name} {green} to {white}{kingdom.displayname}! # retract +retract_description=Retract invitation +retract_extdescription=This command allows you to revoke an invitation from a player. You can only withdraw the invitation from your own kingdom. Players in mod mode can revoke an invitation from any kingdom to a player +retract_hasnone={red}Player has no invitation # serverspawn