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Translation: ultimatekingdom/commands
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Weblate Admin 2024-06-01 23:02:06 +00:00 committed by Weblate
parent 08b638ef7e
commit c04e6340c4

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@ -246,21 +246,21 @@ kick_sender={green}You have kicked {white}{} {green}out of {wh
kick_weight={red}You may not kick someone with a higher rank out of your kingdom.
# relationinfo
relationinfo_description=Show the relationship between two kingdoms
relationinfo_alliesrelation={green}These two kingdoms have a friendly relationship
relationinfo_neutralRelation={white}These two kingdoms have a neutral relationship
relationinfo_enemyRelation={red}These two kingdoms have a hostile relationship
relationinfo_norelation={green}These two kingdoms have no relationship
relationinfo_description=Show the relationship between two kingdoms.
relationinfo_alliesrelation={green}These two kingdoms have a friendly relationship.
relationinfo_neutralRelation={white}These two kingdoms have a neutral relationship.
relationinfo_enemyRelation={red}These two kingdoms have a hostile relationship.
relationinfo_norelation={green}These two kingdoms have no relationship.
# isonline
isonline_description=See if a player is online
isonline_extdescription=With this command you can check if a player is online on the local server or on other servers. Players who are mods or in vanish are not visible
isonline_extdescription=With this command you can check if a player is online on the local server or any other servers. Players who are mods or in vanish are not visible.
isonline_playerFound={green}Player {white}{} {green}is on {white}{kingdomplayer.server} {green}of {white}{kingdomplayer.cluster}.
isonline_notFound={red}Player {white}{name} {red}was not found
isonline_notFound={red}Player {white}{name} {red} has not been found.
# setdynmap
setdynmap_description=Kingdom dynmap settings
setdynmap_extdescription=With this command you can set fill-color, stroke-color, fillopacity for a kingdom, among other things. These are then visible on the Dynmap folder
setdynmap_description=Kingdom dynmap settings.
setdynmap_extdescription=With this command you can set up fill-color, stroke-color, fillopacity for a kingdom These are then visible on the Dynmap folder.
# listinvites
listinvites_description=List your invitations
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ listinvites_extdescription=This command shows all your invitations that you have
listinvites_list={green}Invitations: {white}{list}.
# spawn
spawn_description=Go to the spawn
spawn_description=Go to the spawn.
spawn_extdescription=This command takes you to the spawn of your kingdom. Players in mod mode can go to spawn from all kingdoms.
spawn_notExists={red}The spawn of {white}{kingdom.displayname} {red}is not set!
@ -279,13 +279,13 @@ setspawn_unset={red}You have deleted the spawn of {white}{kingdom.displayname} {
setspawn_set={green}You have changed the spawn of {white}{kingdom.displayname} {green} to {white}{location}
# listservers
listservers_description=List all available kingdom servers
listservers_description=Show all available kingdom servers.
listservers_extdescription=This command lists all available servers and the number of players on each server.
# spy
spy_description=Spy on a chat
spy_description=Spy on a chat.
spy_extdescription=With this command you can read along with the chat of a kingdom.
spy_set={green}You are now reading along with kingdom {white}{kingdom.displayname}
spy_set={green}You are now reading along with kingdom {white}{kingdom.displayname}.
spy_unset={green}You are{white}{bold}no{reset} longer reading with kingdom {white}{kingdom.displayname}.
spy_enableAll={green}Spy is {white}{bold}on{reset} {green}for all kingdoms.
spy_disableAll={green}Spy is {white}{bold}off{reset} {green}for all kingdoms.
@ -297,45 +297,45 @@ leave_success={green}You have successfully left {white}{kingdom.displayname} {gr
leave_successMembers={white}{} {red}has left your kingdom!
# inventory
inventory_description=Open kingdom inventory
inventory_description=Open kingdom inventory.
inventory_extdescription=With this command you can open the inventory of your kingdom. You can use this inventory on all servers, but only 1 person may have the inventory open at a time. Players in mod mode can view the inventory of each kingdom and force an inventory close. In the config.yml you can indicate which items should not be placed in the inventory.
openinv_forceclose={green}We are going to close the inventory.
inv_cannotopen={red}The inventory has already been opened by {white}{kingdomplayer.displayname} {red}on server {white}{server}
inv_cannotopen={red}The inventory is already been open by {white}{kingdomplayer.displayname} {red}on server {white}{server}.
# invite
invite_description=Invite player to your kingdom
invite_description=Invite player to your kingdom.
invite_extdescription=With this command you can invite a player to your own kingdom to become a member. = The player you are going to invite may not be in another kingdom. A player in mod-mod can send an invitation to another player for each kingdom.
invite_hasinvite={red}Player {white}{} {red}has already been invited.
invite_target={green}You are invited for kingdom {white}{kingdom.displayname}
invite_target={green}You were invited to kingdom {white}{kingdom.displayname}.
invite_sender={green}You've invited {white}{} {green} to {white}{kingdom.displayname}!
# retract
retract_description=Retract invitation
retract_description=Retract invitation.
retract_extdescription=This command allows you to revoke an invitation from a player. You can only withdraw the invitation from your own kingdom. Players in mod mode can revoke an invitation from any kingdom to a player
retract_hasnone={red}Player has no invitation
retract_removed={green}Invitation has been removed
retract_hasnone={red}Player has no invitation.
retract_removed={green}Invitation deleted.
# serverspawn
serverspawn_description=Go to a server's spawn
serverspawn_extdescription=Each server has its own spawn. With this command you can go to a spawn of a server. This spawn can be set by a mod or administrator
serverspawn_notfound={red}Sorry,{white}{name} {red}was not found
serverspawn_description=Go to the spawn of a server.
serverspawn_extdescription=Each server has its own spawn. With this command you can go to a spawn of a server. This spawn can be set by a mod or administrator.
serverspawn_notfound={red}Sorry ,{white}{name} {red}is not found.
# setserverspawn
setserverspawn_description=Set server spawn
setserverspawn_description=Set server spawn.
setserverspawn_extdescription=With this command you can set the spawn for a server so that players can easily switch servers.
setserverspawn_added={green}Server spawn for {white}{name} {green}has been removed
setserverspawn_deleted={green}Server spawn for {white}{name} {green}has been created
setserverspawn_added={green}Server-spawn for {white}{name} {green} has been removed.
setserverspawn_deleted={green}Server-spawn for {white}{name} {green}is created.
# info
info_description=Province/kingdom/player information.
info_extdescription=With this command you can request information about players, kingdoms and provinces
info_extdescription=With this command you can request information about players, kingdoms and provinces.
info_notfound={red}No player kingdom or province under name {white}{name} {red}found.
# msg
msg_description=Send DM to a player
msg_description=Send DM to a player.
msg_extdescription=With this command you can send a message to another player.
msg_noreply={red}you have not received any messages yet.
reply_description=Reply to a DM
reply_description=Give a reply to a DM.
# broadcast
broadcast_description=Send a notification on all servers.
@ -346,35 +346,35 @@ broadcast_format={red}{bold}[Message] ->>> {white}{message}
setchannel_description=Channel management (Mod)
setchannel_extdescription=With this command you can disable a chat channel for all servers or (temporarily) block a channel for a player. You can also pin a player to a channel.
setchannel_enable={green}Channel {white}{channel.displayname} {green} is now on.
setchannel_disable={green}Channel {white}{channel.displayname} {green} is now off
setchannel_disable={green}Channel {white}{channel.displayname} {green}is now off.
setchannel_channelnotexist=This command allows an administrator and/or mod to disable and enable a chat channel. This setting is valid for all players on all servers.
setchannel_sendlockedonChannel={red}You are only allowed to chat on {}
setchannel_sendlockedonChannel={red} You can only chat to {}.
setchannel_sendunlockedonChannel={green}You can use all chat channels again.
setchannel_lockedonchannel={white}{} {green}has been pinned to chat channel {white}{}
setchannel_unlockedonchannel={white}{} {green}can chat on all channels again
setchannel_lockedonchannelstatus={white}{} {green}has as locked channel: {white}{kingdomplayer.lockedchannel|none}
setchannel_sendsetblockedchannel={red}Unfortunately, Channel {white}{}{red} is blocked until {white}{p,EEEE dd MMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ,Europe/Paris#time}
setchannel_setblockedchannel={green}You have blocked {white}{} {green}channel {white}{} {green}until {white}{p,EEEE dd MMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ,Europe/Paris #time}
setchannel_blockedchannelstatus={green}{} {gold}-> {white}{white}{p,EEEE dd MMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ,Europe/Paris#time}
setchannel_lockedonchannel={white}{} {green}is set to chat channel {white}{}.
setchannel_unlockedonchannel={white}{} {green}can chat on all channels again.
setchannel_lockedonchannelstatus={white}{} {green}has as locked channel: {white}{kingdomplayer.lockedchannel|none}.
setchannel_sendsetblockedchannel={red}Unfortunately, Channel {white}{}{red} is blocked until {white}{p,EEEE dd MMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ,Europe/Paris#time}.
setchannel_setblockedchannel={green}You have blocked {white}{} {green}channel {white}{} {green}until {white}{p,EEEE dd MMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ,Europe/Paris #time}.
setchannel_blockedchannelstatus={green}{} {gold}-> {white}{white}{p,EEEE dd MMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ,Europe/Paris#time}.
setchannel_unblockedchannel={green}You have unblocked channel {white}{}{green} for {white}{}{green}.
setchannel_sendunblockedchannel={green}Chat channel {white}{}{green} has been unblocked.
setchannel_channelisblocked={red}Channel {white}{} {red}is {bold}blocked{reset}{red} to {white}{p,EEEE dd MMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ,Europe/Paris#time}
# visitspawn
visitspawn_description=Go to the spawn of another kingdom
visitspawn_description=Go to the spawn of another kingdom.
visitspawn_extdescription=With this command you can go to the spawn of another kingdom. Your own kingdom must receive permission from the other kingdom.
visitspawn_noaccess={red}Your kingdom is not allowed to go to this spawn.
# setvisitor
setvisitor_description=Give a kingdom access to your spawn.
setvisitor_extdescription=With this command you can give/revoke access to the members of another kingdom with the command visitspawn to go to your spawn.
setvisitor_isdenied={green}kingdom {red}{kingdom.displayname} {green}does not have {red}access to your spawn
setvisitor_isallowed={green}Kingdom {white}{kingdom.displayname} {green}has access to your spawn
setvisitor_visitorslist={green}Access granted to :{white}{list}
setvisitor_query={green}Remove visitor
setvisitor_isdenied={green}kingdom {red}{kingdom.displayname} {green}does not have {red}access to your spawn.
setvisitor_isallowed={green}Kingdom {white}{kingdom.displayname} {green}has access to your spawn.
setvisitor_visitorslist={green}Access granted to :{white}{list}.
setvisitor_query={green}Remove visitor.
# tp
tp_description=Teleport player to a location
tp_description=Teleport player to a location.
tp_extdescription=Teleport a player to spawn, warp, travel, or server spawn.
@ -383,10 +383,10 @@ tphere_extdescription=With this command you can teleport all members of a kingdo
tphere_telepoted={gold}Oh yeahh.. {green}All online members will gather around you. How cosy.
# channel
channel_description=Channel settings
channel_description=Channel settings.
channel_extdescription=This command allows you to manage your own channel settings, such as setting a channel as the default channel or disabling a channel.
channel_reset={green}Your channel settings have been reset.
channel_list={green}Available channels: {white}{listing}
channel_list={green}Available channels: {white}{listing}.
channel_channelNotExist={red}Channel {white}{channel.displayname} {red}does not exist!
channel_isDisabled={red}Channel {white}{channel.displayname} {red}has been disabled by an administrator!
channel_set={green}Channel {white}{channel.displayname} {green}is enabled!
@ -395,64 +395,64 @@ channel_setDefault={green}Channel {white}{channel.displayname} {green}is set as
channel_alwaysEnabled={red}You cannot disable channel {white}{channel.displayname} {red}.
channel_notactive={red}Chat channel {white}{channel.displayname} {red}has been disabled by an admin
channel_nokingdom={red}For channel {white}{channel.displayname} {red}you must be in a kingdom.
channel_nogroupset={red}Your kingdom has not set up a chat group
channel_wwronggroepchatlocation={red}Your kingdom is not allowed to use chat at this location
channel_nogroupset={red}Your kingdom did not set a chat group.
channel_wwronggroepchatlocation={red}You cannot use the chat at this location.
channel_nopermission={red}You do not have the correct permissions for channel {white}{channel.displayname}.
channel_activechannel={red}You have channel {white}{channel.displayname} {red} turned off.
channel_cooldowntimer={red}chat is blocked for{white}{timer} {red}seconds
channel_statusOn={white}channel is: {green}enabled
channel_statusOff={white}channel is: {red}disabled
channel_cooldowntimer={red}chat is blocked for{white}{timer} {red}seconds.
channel_statusOn={white}channel is: {green}enabled.
channel_statusOff={white}channel is: {red}disabled.
# gui
open_description=Choose your kingdom and become a member
open_extdescription=With this command you can open a gui where you can easily view information about kingdoms. If you click on a kingdom you become a member of it. Players in a kingdom do not see this command. A player in mod mode will see this command and can open the gui.
# region
region_description=Region settings
region_extdescription=With this command you can set/mount/remove worldguard regions
region_description=Region settings.
region_extdescription=With this command you can set/mount/remove worldguard regions.
region_notEnabled={red}Use of regions is disabled in the config.
region_notFound={red}Region {white}{name} {red}was not found.
region_exists={red}Region {white}{region} {red} is already in use
region_exists={red}Region {white}{region} {red} is already in use.
region_added={green}Region {white}{} {green}of kingdom {white}{kingdom.displayname} {green}has been created.
region_removed={green}Region {white}{} {green}has been removed
region_list={green}Regions: {white}{regionlist}
region_listallformat={gold}{} -> {green}{}({white}{region.displayname}{green}
region_setdisplayname={green}You have set {white}{region.displayname} {green} as the display name for {white}{}
region_notyourkingdomregion={red}That is not a region of your kingdom
region_removed={green}Region {white}{} {green}has been removed.
region_list={green}Regions: {white}{regionlist}.
region_listallformat={gold}{} -> {green}{}({white}{region.displayname}{green}.
region_setdisplayname={green}You have set {white}{region.displayname} {green} as the display name for {white}{}.
region_notyourkingdomregion={red}That is not a region of your kingdom.
# region
sync_description=Synchronize data with exchange server
sync_extdescription=With this command you can synchronize data on exchange server. This synchronization is automatic and can be set in the config
sync_description=Synchronize data with exchange server.
sync_extdescription=With this command you can synchronize data on exchange server. This synchronization is automatic and can be set in the config.
# enemy
enemy_description=Set hostile relationship
enemy_extdescription=With this command you can set the relationship with another kingdom as hostile. The other party may have to provide confirmation. This can be turned off by an administrator
enemy_isEnemy={green}Your kingdom is already an enemy of {white}{kingdom.displayname}
enemy_description=Enemy relationships.
enemy_extdescription=With this command you can set the relationship with another kingdom as hostile. It may be that the other side has to give a confirmation. This can be disabled by an administrator.
enemy_isEnemy={green}Your kingdom is already an enemy of {white}{kingdom.displayname}.
enemy_success={red}{bold}note, {reset}{green}Kingdom {white}{target.displayname} {green}and {white}{sender.displayname} {green}are now {red}{underline}enemies.
enemy_senderMaxMember={red}Kingdom {white}{kingdom.displayname} {red}is at a maximum of {white}{maximum} {red}hostile relations.
# allies
allies_description=Set friendly relationship
allies_extdescription=With this command you can set the relationship with another kingdom as friendly. The other party may have to provide confirmation. This can be turned off by an administrator
allies_description=Friendly relationships.
allies_extdescription=With this command you can set the relationship with another kingdom as friendly. The other party may have to provide confirmation. This can be turned off by an administrator.
allies_isFriendly=reen}Your kingdom is already a ally of {white}{kingdom.displayname}.
allies_success={green}Kingdom {white}{target.displayname} {green}and {white}{sender.displayname} {green}are now {underline} allies..
allies_senderMaxMember={green}Kingdom {white}{target.displayname} {green}and {white}{sender.displayname} {green}are now {underline} allies..
# neutral
neutral_description=Set neutral relationship
neutral_extdescription=With this command you can set the relationship with another kingdom as neutral. The other party may have to provide confirmation. This can be turned off by an administrator
neutral_isNeutral={green}You already have a neutral relationship with {white}{kingdom.displayname}
neutral_success={green}Kingdom {white}{target.displayname} {green}and {white}{sender.displayname} {green}now have a {white}{underline}neutral relationship
neutral_description=Neutral relationships.
neutral_extdescription=With this command you can set the relationship with another kingdom as neutral. The other party may have to provide confirmation. This can be turned off by an administrator.
neutral_isNeutral={green}You already have a neutral relationship with {white}{kingdom.displayname}.
neutral_success={green}Kingdom {white}{target.displayname} {green}and {white}{sender.displayname} {green}now have a {white}{underline}neutral relationship.
neutral_senderMaxMember={red}Kingdom {white}{kingdom.displayname} {red} has a maximum of {white}{maximum} {red}neutral relations.
# accept
accept_description=Accepting a relationship.
accept_extdescription=With this command you can accept a relationship request from another kingdom
accept_extdescription=With this command you can accept a relationship request from another kingdom.
# deny
deny_description=Rejecting a relationship
deny_extdescription=With this command you can reject a relationship request from another kingdom
deny_description=Rejecting a relationship.
deny_extdescription=With this command you can reject a relationship request from another kingdom.
deny_enemySender={green}Kingdom {white}{sender.displayname} {green}has rejected a {red} request to start a hostile relationship with {white}{target.displayname} {red}.
deny_neutralSender={green}Kingdom {white}{sender.displayname} {green}has rejected a {red} request for a neutral relationship with {white}{target.displayname} {red}.
deny_friendlySender={green}Kingdom {white}{sender.displayname} {green}has rejected a {red} request to become allies with {white}{target.displayname} {red}
@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ setplayerLevel_isnow={green}You have been promoted to {white}{kingdomplayer.leve
# request
request_exists={red}There is already a request running to {white}{kingdom.displayname}.
request_send={green}Your relationship request has been sent to all members of kingdom {white}{target.displayname}.
request_senddenied={green}Rejection is passed on
request_senddenied={green}Rejection is passed on.
request_denied={red}Relationship request from {white}{sender.displayname} {red} has been rejected.
request_accepted={green}Kingdom {white}{sender.displayname} {green}would like to become friends with your kingdom. Are you okay with that?
request_expired=Relationship request to {white}{kingdom.displayname} {red} has expired.
@ -477,28 +477,28 @@ request_notFound={red}No request for {white}{kingdom.displayname} {red}found.
request_modnotFound={red}No request for {white}{target.displayname} and {sender.displayname} {red}found.
# province
province_description=Province settings
province_extdescription=A province is an area administered by an emissary of the King. This could be, for example, a duke or count. It could also be a small town. You can link levels with, for example, county->village->city
province_created={green}You have created province {white}{province.displayname} {green}
province_setplaceholder={green}You have set the placeholder for {white}{} {green} to {white}{province.placeholder}
province_setdisplayname={green}You have set the display name for {white}{} {green} to {white}{province.displayname}
province_setprefixedname={green}You have set the prefix for {white}{} {green} to {white}{province.prefixedname}
province_setmaxmembers={green}You have set the maximum number of members for {white}{} {green} to {white}{province.maxmembers}
province_deleted={green}You have deleted province {white}{province.displayName}
province_create_confirm={green}{bold}Click here to confirm creation
province_create_query={green}Create province
province_description=Province settings.
province_extdescription=A province is an area managed by an emissary of the King. For example, this can be a duke or count. It can also be a small town. You can link levels to e.g. county->dorp->city.
province_created={green}You have created province {white}{province.displayname} {green}.
province_setplaceholder={green}You have set the placeholder for {white}{} {green} to {white}{province.placeholder}.
province_setdisplayname={green}You have set the display name for {white}{} {green} to {white}{province.displayname}.
province_setprefixedname={green}For {white}{} {green}you have set the prefixed name to {white}{province.prefixedname}.
province_setmaxmembers={green}You have set the maximum number of members for {white}{} {green} to {white}{province.maxmembers}.
province_deleted={green}You have deleted province {white}{province.displayName}.
province_create_confirm={green}{bold}Click here to confirm creation.
province_create_query={green}Create province.
province_kickweight={red}You may not expel someone with a higher rank from your province.
province_levelISnow={green}Your province has been promoted to {white}{}
province_isfull={white}Province {province.displayname} {red}is full
province_isnowmember={green}You have become a member of {province.displayname}
province_setmember={green}You have been made a member of {white}{province.displayname}
province_set={green}You have put {white}{kingdomplayer.displayname} {green}in {white}{province.displayname} {green}
province_isamember={red}That's not possible, you are already a member of province {white}{kingdomplayer.province.displayname}
province_levelISnow={green}Your province has been promoted to {white}{}.
province_isfull={white}Province {province.displayname} {red}is full.
province_isnowmember={green}You have joined {province.displayname}.
province_setmember={green}You are now a member of {white}{province.displayname}.
province_set={green}You have put {white}{kingdomplayer.displayname} {green}in {white}{province.displayname} {green}.
province_isamember={red}You can't, you're already a member of province {white}{kingdomplayer.province.displayname}.
province_isnotmember={red}You are not a member of a province.
province_notAmember={white}{kingdomplayer.displayname} {red}is not a member of any province.
province_removedasmember={red}You have been removed from {white}{province.displayname}.
province_removedmember={red}{kingdomplayer.displayname} has been removed from {white}{province.displayname}.
province_notyourkingdom={white}{province.displayname} {red}belongs to kingdom {white}{kingdom.displayname} {red}and you are in kingdom {white}{kingdomplayer.kingdom.displayname}
province_notyourkingdom={white}{province.displayname} {red}belongs to kingdom {white}{kingdom.displayname} {red}and you are in kingdom {white}{kingdomplayer.kingdom.displayname}.